Coming to Counselling

You have perhaps been struggling for some time, you are aware you might need some help, you don’t feel you can face your friends and/or family, you feel they may judge you as silly, weak or worse and won’t be able to or indeed won’t want to help you.

Your issues are scary, it is difficult to cope, you feel no-one will listen or understand and you feel isolated and desperate. Your work is suffering or maybe you can’t work at all and the impact on your life in all areas is huge. Where do I go next you may ask yourself?

You may have heard of therapy but that has always been something someone else does not you! You have never asked anyone for help and consider it a sign of weakness. That doesn’t seem like something you could possibly do and anyway what is it, what is the point and are you really suggesting I talk to a complete stranger – no thanks.

‘No somehow I will cope on my own and ‘pull myself together’ – I really don’t want anyone else to know I am in such a bad place’. However, gradually this plan begins to unravel and as a very last resort you consider seeking help – you begin to search the internet for someone called a counsellor – STEP 1.

‘Oh no there are lots of counsellors to choose from and they all seem to offer something different – how can I decide, it might be easier not to bother at all. I will put it off for a while longer – it’s much too confusing and even more scary! Trouble is I am still struggling badly’.

‘It’s no good I am just going to go for that one and hope for the best, they seem genuine and it does say they are experienced and qualified’ – STEP 2. ‘I will email them and see if they respond – I don’t feel up to speaking to them on the telephone yet as I don’t like using the phone much anyway – I am always too nervous’.

‘Oh they have replied and they are offering me an appointment – ignore the email, say no and hope they don’t keep pestering me – help! No I can make that date and time and really need to say yes but I feel so anxious – I don’t know if I am doing the right thing but know deep down that it is now or never. I will say yes as I think I am ready – give it a go, after all if I don’t like them, I don’t have to go twice!’ – STEP 3.

‘It’s the day and now I almost feel sick with nervousness but don’t really want to let the person down at the last minute. I am going but it is taking every bit of courage I can muster as I have no idea what to expect. Will I even be able to say anything? – I do hope this person understands what a big deal this whole thing is’. STEP 4.

‘Wow what a relief, first session over and it was much less scary than I had expected – I was actually smiling at the end and quite talkative – the counsellor made me feel really comfortable and I think I am going to continue. Finally after so long deliberating, I feel I have made the right decision to seek some help and hopefully improve my life a lot’.

Could this be You?? Can you take that first step?? I do hope so!